
About Diet About Cholesterol and its lowering Critical Videos Critical Websites News

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Lipid Lunacy

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Newspaper articles and scientific studies demonstrating the criminal ways by which the idea about the “dangerous” cholesterol has been promoted

Colpo, A
LDL Cholesterol: “Bad” Cholesterol, or Bad Science?  
J Amer Phys  Surg 2005

Deans, E
Cholesterol and Suicide.   
Psychology Today; 2011

de Lorgeril M,* Sadlen P
Do statins increase and Mediterranean diet decrease the risk of breast cancer?   
BMC Medicine 2014

Demasi M
Statin wars: have we been misled about the evidence? A narrative review  
Brit J Sports Med 2018

Deutsch, ME*, Ravnskov U*
Is It Wise To Screen For Hypercholesterolemia in Children? 
Poster presented at the 18th International Congress of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine in Kyoto, 2002.

Diamond DM,* Ravnskov U*
How statistical deception created the appearance that statins are safe and effective in primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease   (Click on ”Downlöoad"
Exp Rev Clin Pharm 2015

DuBroff R, DeLorgeril M*
Cholesterol confusion and statin controversy  
World J Cardiol 2015

Ellison, Shane*
Life Saving Cholesterol Facts.
Cholesterol Lowering Drugs and Cancer
The hidden origin of statin drugs. 
Jupiter study highlights 4 reasons to say no to Crestor.

Freeman D
Lies, Damned Lies and Medical Science. 
The Atlantic 2010<>

Goldacre, Ben
The data belongs to the patients who gave it to you  
Serious, revealing facts about the unsuccesful statin trial ENHANCE (2008) Graveline, Duane*
Spacedoc Forum  
A public discussion forum around statin side effects.

Groves, B*
Second Opinions. Exposing Dietary And Medical Misinformation. 

Gøtzsche P.
Big pharma often commits corporate crime, and this must be stopped  (Roll down to Gøtsche´s paper. Peter Gøtsche is head of Nordic Cochrane)
BMJ 2012  

Kendrick, Malcolm*

Kristensen ML and coworkers
The effect of statins on average survival in randomised trials, an analysis of end point postponement   
BMJ Open 2015 

McCullyMcCully, Kilmer*
About one of our most beneficial molecules

Meijer, Melchior
Statins - Miracle drug or tragedy?  
Algemeen Dagblad0, 2004.. Read also what happened with the journalist after the publication of his article! 

Newman TB, Hulley SB
Carcinogenicity of lipid-lowering drugs 
JAMA 1996

Okuyama H* and coworkers
Statins stimulate atherosclerosis and heart failure: pharmacological mechanisms   
Expert Rev Clin Pharm 2015

Okuyama H* and coworkers
A Critical Review of the Consensus Statement from the European Atherosclerosis Society Consensus Panel 2017   
Pharmacology 2018

Parker-Pope, Tara
Will Cholesterol Pills Save Your Life? 
New York Times 2008.
8-Year-Olds on Statins? A New Plan Quickly Bites Back   
New York Times 2008
Palpitations Over a New Pill for Kids
New York Times 2008.

Ravnskov, U*
Cholesterol lowering trials in coronary heart disease: frequency of citation and outcome  
BMJ 1992
Quotation bias in reviews of the diet-heart idea  
J Clin Epidemiol 1995
Prevention of atherosclerosis in children   
Lancet 2000
A hypothesis out-of-date: The diet–heart idea  
J Clin  Epidemiol 2002
Is atherosclerosis caused by high cholesterol?  
QJM 2002
High cholesterol may protect against infections and atherosclerosis 
QJM 2003

Ravnskov U,* McCully KS,* Rosch PJ*
The statin-low cholesterol-cancer conundrum  
QJM 2011

Ravnskov U, McCully KS*
Vulnerable Plaque Formation from Obstruction of Vasa Vasorum by Homocysteinylated and Oxidized Lipoprotein Aggregates Complexed with Microbial Remnants and LDL Autoantibodies
Ann Clin Lab Sci 2009
Infections May be Causal in the Pathogenesis of Atherosclerosis  
Am J Med Sci 2012
How Macrophages are Converted to Foam Cells   
J Athero Thromb 2012

Ravnskov U,* and coworkers
Lack of an association or an inverse association between low-density-lipoprotein cholesterol and mortality in the elderly: a systematic review 
BMJ Open 2016

Ravnskov U. and coworkers
LDL-C does not cause cardiovascular disease: a comprehensive review of the current literature.
Exp Rev Clin Pharm 2018

Seneff S*
Statins, Pregnancy, Sepsis, Cancer, Heart Failure: a Critical Analysis.

Szwarc, Sandy
Junkfood Science  
Blogg 2007

Sultan S, Hynes N. 
The Ugly Side of Statins. Systemic Appraisal of the Contemporary Un-Known Unknowns  
Open J Endocr. Metab Dis 2013

Taubes, Gary
What’s Cholesterol Got to Do With It?  
New York Times 2008

Wagstaff L and coworkers.
Statin-Associated Memory Loss: Analysis of 60 Case Reports and Review of the Literature  
Pharmacother 2004